✨11Minutes Private Sale Whitelist BrandPad🔥
✨11Minutes Private Sale Whitelist BrandPad🔥
11Minutes is the first play2earn game series on the Blockchain. You can play new games with every session and win a life changing prize.#11Minutes #Play2Earn #NFTGame
✅ JOIN AT: (https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSflSb6-88p-nGAzFZVV8gFjoTMq-JS8JLn5bwX8oLhPMEBuXg/formResponse)https://sweepwidget.com/view/42531-4d0sgvw5/67hpok-42531
250 BUSD Each Winner
Total # of Winners: 100
Private Sale Date : December 08
Private Price: $0.0275
Listing Price: $0.04
Detail: https://whitelistalert.com/11minutes-private-sale-whitelist-brandpad/